Test: Anyone Can Earn $5,500 Per Month On Pinterest

Welcome to another Income Truths: Online Money Making Review! In this post, we’re scrutinizing the claim: “Anyone Can Earn $5,500 Per Month On Pinterest.” With its visually-driven platform and massive user base, Pinterest has become a hotspot for bloggers, influencers, and businesses to drive traffic and generate income. But is it truly possible for anyone to reach the $5,500 per month mark? We will put this claim to the test, analyzing various monetization strategies on Pinterest to determine if it’s a viable earning opportunity for everyone:

  1. We will test the make money online claim over a 60 Day period, thus allowing the opportunity to gain gravity.
  2. We will post regular updates below so you can see how the opportunity is performing.
  3. Once the 60 Day period is up we will provide our findings.

Quick Links:

earn money on pinterest

The How To Make Money Online Claim:

Anyone can earn $5,500 per month on Pinterest with help from TikTok in just 20 minutes a day. As long as you follow these simple rules…

Claimants How To, Process:

1. Go to Pinterest and create an account.

2. On TikTok, search for “Gadgets trending 2024” and find a video with over 1 million views.

Making sure the Gadget featured in the video is for sale on Amazon first.

3. Go to Ssstik.io and copy the link to the TikTok product video you’ve chosen.

Copy and paste the link into the box, then click download, to download your video.

4. Go to Amazon and sign up for the free affiliate program in just a few minutes to get your affiliate link to this product.

5. Simply post the video you downloaded to your Pinterest account and paste your Amazon affiliate link in the description.

Result: People interested in this gadget will come across your video. Then, as soon as someone clicks on your affiliate link you can earn up to $19.

6. Rinse and repeat this method with different gadgets to reach over $5,500 per month. 

Booster: You can create an account in another language and do the same thing with hundreds of gadgets, to generate even more income.

how to make money online claims

Stage 1: Our Testing Phase – 13/06/2024

Disclosure: This post may contain Ads and/or affiliate links. Visit our disclosure page for more information.

The Product:

  1. The product video we chose from TikTok was for the: 14.2″ Portable Triple Monitor Screen Extender for Laptop with Full HD IPS Display for around $299.99.
  2. We followed the instructions, in the claim, created the video as described and published it on Pinterest – you can checkout the video here

Points to note:

  1. The claim forgot to mention that you need permission from the original video creator first, in order to use their video on Pinterest to do this ethically.
  2. As we were unable to secure an agreement with an original creator, we decided to create our own personal video on the product to avoid the issue above, in order to test the claim. The video was created using Canva Pro. (Canva Pro costs around $13 per month, although you can use the free version). We also used ElevenLabs free version for the voiceover work.


We will post regular updates on our progress and earnings below:

Stage 2: The Verdict:

Coming soon after the 60-day testing period. Stay tuned to find out if earning free money online on Pinterest is truly possible!